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אשה סותמת את האוזניים

Noise damage protection


Exposure to loud noise is known to impair hearing.

We are exposed to noise of different kinds and intensity every day. Noise can be persistent (noisy) or sudden (blast), low intensity (fan noise) or high (headphone listening).

By noise protection we refer to two different populations with different requirements than the protection measures: those working in a noisy environment, and the musicians.


Noise protection measures for workers in noisy environments:

Prolonged exposure to noise impairs hearing. The country has noise exposure regulations that are built from a combination of noise intensity and duration of exposure. An employee may be exposed to 85 decibel noise for 8 hours a day, five days a week. Noise that is higher than the values ​​allowed in these regulations can cause health damage to a worker exposed to noise in the workplace. If the exposure to noise is higher, the length of time allowed for the worker to stay in the noisy environment decreases. For example, when the noise intensity is 88 decibels, the exposure time before hearing impairment is 4 hours a day five days a week.

People exposed to noise as part of their work should use noise protection measures. Options are earplugs or work headphones.


Noise protection measures for musicians:

For people who are engaged in music, it is important to reduce the amount of noise coming into the audio system, but it is imperative not to lose the precise sound characteristics. The earplugs must put noise in a straight curve in order to preserve the natural sound without distortion.


Noise protection measures for children:

Small children and infants may suffer from loud noises, and prolonged exposure to loud noise above 85 decibels can cause significant hearing impairment throughout their lives. Noise-canceling headphones are recommended for small children .

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